A freshly baked rustic loaf eaten straight from the oven with some homemade butter is delicious. Still, by just being a little bit more creative, these simple but easy toppings can be delicious and also very nutritious.
Here are three quick and easy toppings for my rustic loaf:
- Avocados are classed as a superfood, helping in the fight against wrinkles, a perfect topping for my rustic loaf. First, cut a thick slice off the loaf and lightly toasted it, spread the slice with a good quality hummus. Mixed sliced avocado with lemon juice, finely chopped chilli and a few onion seeds, and simply placed on top of the hummus. Season with a little black pepper and serve. Quick, easy and especially great for the face.
- Using a good quality chilli chutney spread the rustic slice with a thin layer of chutney, top with thinly sliced mozzarella, drizzled with good quality olive oil and a twist of pepper.
- The third topping, thinly sliced (quartered and cored) apple, splashed with lemon juice, crumbled creamy blue cheese and roughly chopped walnuts. Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 fat and are rich in magnesium, vitamin B6, iron and calcium.